Kettle Moraine 100: Running on Unrecovered Legs Kettle Moraine 100 wasn’t on my radar for the year. My original plan was to run at the 24-Hour World Championships in the Czech Republic June 21-22. When it was canceled, I looked for a substitute race and decided on Kettle. I have always wanted to run it, […]
♀️Burning River 100: Newbie Lessons 101: Revisited!
Burning River 100: Newbie Lessons 101 Burning River 100 was on my schedule this year to get a qualifier for Western States 100 and keep my tickets (4 years now) going. (Although, I don’t want to get drawn for 2017 because of the 24-Hour World Championship on 7/2/2017). I always wanted to run well, but […]